Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pre-Workout Foods You Should Be Having

Pre-Workout Foods You Should Be Having


Don’t misjudge them as fattening because the fats that almonds contain are monounsaturated fats. The kind of fats you should completely avoid before workout would include butter or cheese products as they will make you lazy and tired. Almonds also contain omega 3s that instantly energise your mind.

Pre-Workout Foods You Should Be Having


Banana contains carbohydrates that can be easily digested. Banana also contains potassium which improves the nerve functions. Potassium also helps you during your workout by keeping your muscles strong during your weight trainings. You can also eat any other fruit that contains natural sugar and will not add calories but at the same time provide you with enough energy to keep you going through your workout.

Pre-Workout Foods You Should Be Having


When you need an instant energy boost, chocolates can come in really handy. Chocolates contain compounds that help you gain energy. But watch it and eat only a little, as a bar of chocolate abounds in sugar, fat and calories. Opt for dark chocolate as it contains lesser calories than all the other chocolates.

Eating right before you work out is a complete no no. Eat atleast half an hour to forty-five minutes before yo hit the gym. If your routine includes swimming, then do not eat anything for an hour before you take a dip. These foods in small proportions will help you work-out for a longer time and you won’t be forced to quit your workout midway to satisfy your hunger pangs.


Pre-Workout Foods You Should Be Having
Lentils contain Vitamin B, fibre, carbs, magnesium, zinc, potassium and calcium. Lentils contain all the contents that we told you individually in the above ingredients. Apart from this, it is very low on calories. Eat a small bowl of sprouted lentils and add a pinch of rock salt for taste. But don’t overdo it as you might end up getting an upset stomach.


Pre-Workout Foods You Should Be Having
Oats are fibrous and thus, easy to digest. The carbohydrates in it get released in the blood and thus boosts your energy. Vitamin B in oatmeal lowers stress and helps convert the carbohydrates into usable energy. Fix yourself a cup of oatmeal before you work-out. It can be a good breakfast optionfor those of you who prefer working out in the morning.


Pre-Workout Foods You Should Be Having
A bowl of low fat yogurt can be a perfect snack for you before you hit the gym. Yogurt contains magnesium which enhances your energy by releasing enzymes that break down the proteins and carbohydrates. Apart from this, it also gives you energy to lift weights by increasing your strength and stamina.